Why you need a modern post box ?
In 1923, it was made compulsory to have a letterbox to ensure Royal Mail could deliver mail to every house in Britain. Back then most front doors in Britain had a simple slot with a flap in their door. This is where the post could be delivered every morning. However, these simple slots are not really the best option on the market anymore. There are lots of modern letterboxes out there for you to choose from that are far more practical as well as decorative.
Reasons why we should replace our‘simple slot’ letterboxes:
For one, a simple slot letterbox lets in an awful draft. If you purchase one with a draught excluder fitted to the back then you run the risk of making your postie hate you! With a draught excluder, it’s not just a simple case of pushing the letter through. Most flimsy paper letters we receive are not sturdy enough to push through a draught excluder. So they just end up being crumpled and stuck between the slot and the draught excluder. That is unless your postie tries to help the letter make its way through the draught excluder … but that involves your postie having to risk his or her own fingers by pushing your letter through your key mailboxes to make a gap in the draught excluder to help the flimsy letter break its way through. In worse case scenarios this can lead to your mail being covered in blood from a severed digit. Not to mention you having to fish a couple of fingertips out of your pile of bills!
Secondly, if you own a pet, you may consider a different style lettre box . Coming home to a greeting of scattered chewed up bill confetti isn’t much fun.
Lastly, simple slots aren’t all that pretty and why settle for that when there are so many aesthetically pleasing styles and shapes of outdoor letterboxes to choose from?